If you are looking to take your education to a higher level with an advanced degree, we might be the right partner for you. Our Masters in Business Administration (MBA) curriculum is in English in partnership with California Lutheran University in Southern California and taught by successful American business leaders and educators.
Home of relevant and impactful advanced degree programs that foster professional excellence and global success.
Featured Testimonials

In life we need to make the right choices to achieve success, but it all starts with good education. CLU’s MBA program at IBSA in Austria appeared to be the best choice for my career for several reasons: The mix of online- and weekend sessions perfectly enabled me to combine the MBA program with my intensive job. Highly experienced professors helped me to grow not only professionally but also personally – including a significant improvement in my Business-English conversation skills.

CLU‘s MBA program has been the perfect complement to my already existing degree in Industrial Engineering. It added an economic component to my knowledge base and expanded my experience in collaborating with other international students. Both the courses offered, as well as the very professional and knowledgeable professors, made my time at CLU highly memorable. CLU‘s MBA has been a major enabler for me to get my current job as it made my career profile far more complete and thereby interesting, especially for large multinational organizations.

Who are the most sought after leaders and managers today? I strongly believe that they are the highly motivated, international educated self-starters. It appears to me that studying in, and graduating from MBA degree from a US university in just 15 months as a busy working professional is a good testimony of all these qualities. Cal Lutheran’s MBA program, delivered in partnership with IBSA was the perfect program, and I am convinced that this highly interesting and intensive program provides the best base for future career steps. Even while studying in the program, multiple opportunities for career changes opened up for me, and – ultimately – I seized one of them.

As of the very first course I realized how valuable this international MBA program was going to be for me. The excellent mix of both online and weekend classes allowed me not only to stay right on schedule with the program despite a full-time job and intensive travel plans but also fostered a perfect balance of strategy and practical application. State-of-the-art technology, face-to-face time with instructors and the opportunity to build significant international relationships, among many other features, make this program unique and remarkable.

A major USP of this MBA program is that you study at an American university while being here in Austria for most of the time. Thus you experience all advantages of the American approach regarding education. Excellent international instructors with comprehensive practical experience respond individually to students and promote the widest possible growth of each. The whole program is conducted in English in a blended learning format which utilizes all advantages of e-learning. Being in California at the campus of CLU during the final study trip to complete the MBA is an absolute highlight.

Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning’ – Benjamin Franklin.
Having a technical education in mechanical and civil engineering, CLU´s MBA at IBSA in Austria offered a perfect complement in economic and management theory. The flexible program with its experienced professors delivered a fundamental economic knowledge and improved my managerial skills, competencies and cross-cultural abilities. The community and my fellow MBA colleagues, the exchange of ideas, know-how and my personal development made this program to an invaluable experience.

Intensifying and expanding my knowledge and experience with an international business education was my primary intention and incentive for CLU’s MBA program at IBSA. Moreover the possibility and opportunity to learn from internationally experienced professors and students and to exchange strategies, business ideas or just life experience with them were my very concrete expectations for this program. Eventually the 16 months at IBSA and CLU have exceeded all my expectations and have provided me with essential skills and new perspectives for my daily business as an entrepreneur. Additionally the highly valuable business network to professors and students at CLU has resulted in a continuous benefit for my business and private life. This program is the perfect decision for everyone who wants to elevate his own business career to the next level.

After working more than ten years in different positions, I really aspired to refresh and deepen my business knowledge with a comprehensive and international program. Having the opportunity to study at an US university in a blended learning format in Austria really looked promising to me and totally met my expectations. Learning from professors with academic excellence and a track record in business, who really care about you as a student, is one of the real benefits of this program. Eventually not only the program itself, but in particular the mix of students with different backgrounds from different countries was very inspirational for me.

With my technical background and after having been in various management positions over the past years I eventually decided to do an MBA. I have chosen the MBA program of CLU in co-operation with IBSA because of the perfect fit with the daily business. The mix of weekend courses, online sessions and time in California is very balanced and this program is maybe one of the few programs where business, family and further education can be easily handled, even if you are not from Graz. I also enjoyed the high quality of the instructors and the fact that nearly all of them came from the US.

After a careful selection process I came to the conclusion that the Master of Business Administration program offered by the Californian Lutheran University in cooperation with IBSA Graz is perfectly suited for my personal requirements, and for those of my international acting company. The program featured all I would expect, namely: international setting, tutors from the business world and a broad mix of courses covering all relevant business issues. Moreover, courses are taught in English and can be attended while working full time. I am very impressed by the combination of flexibility and excellence offered by the CLU, the diversity of tutors with their wealth of experience and the carefully composed curriculum. An international working environment requires a sound understanding of international management tasks and challenges for which the program is building a great base. I have dedicated a lot of time and efforts to learn from the best and I am very satisfied with the ‘return of investment’.

My decision for CLU’s MBA program was primarily based on its international orientation, the English language and the distinctive practical relevance of American postgraduate studies. The know-how and comprehensive business experience of the lecturers as well as their ability to link theoretical contents with real-life cases is more than impressing and allows me to easily find linkages with my daily job. The participants of the course are composed of different educational backgrounds and various industries which enriches the discussions and case studies and enables me to extend my personal and professional horizon. Comprehensive teamwork and the combination of face2face weekends and online sessions allow me to complete this part time MBA program in parallel to a time-consuming job.

After having worked for several years in a multinational company in Global Procurement and Supply Chain I thought it would be beneficial to go back to theory and study some foundational elements of business. I was aiming to enhance my knowledge in finance, international business and better comprehend the complexities of globally operating companies. My plan worked out even better than I expected. Theory applied was always linked to practical examples of daily business. There is no doubt that the MBA will bring me forward in my endeavor for more knowledge, personal achievements along with professional accomplishments. It was a great experience made of great people I met.
Leading operations
- Marketing Management for Executives
- Finance for Executives
- Strategic Decision Making for High Performance
Managing processes
- Information Systems for Executives
- Leadership and Change Management
- Organizational Design
- Project Management
Leading People
- People Management
- Strategic Negotiations and Conflict Management
- Ethical and Legal Practices in Business
Leading Strategy
- Strategy Development in a Global Context
- Innovation and Organizational Entrepreneurship
- Global Economics for Executives
Strategic Project and Professional Advancement
- Professional and Personal Development Seminar
- Strategic Project (Business plan or Consulting Project)
Your MBA at CLU
The MBA program at California Lutheran University is an elite program for professionals who have already achieved significant working experience. Our interdisciplinary, experience-driven curriculum is organized around five key areas:
- Leading operations
- Managing processes
- Leading people
- Leading strategy
- Professional and personal advancement
Companies that have employed CLU MBA graduates:
Alcatel-Lucent • Andritz AG • Andritz Hydro • Anton Paar • Asfinag • AVL • Bank of America • Baxter • BMW • Boing • Böhler • Centrex Europe • Citibank Moscow • Doka Industrie GmbH • Dun & Bradstreet Croatia • Energy & Gas AG • Engel Austria • Energie Steiermark • Energie Kärnten • Eternit • Flextronic International • General Motors • Geodata • Gittis Naturprodukte • HSB Bank Schweiz • IBM Zagreb • INA Oil Croatia • Infineon • Johnson & Johnson • Kapsch • Keba • KTM • Magna International • Magna Cosma International • Master Card • MCG Messe Center Graz • Microsoft • Nokia • NXP • OMV • ÖBB • Österreichische Lotterien • Peeroton • Porr AG • Post AG • Procter and Gamble • Raiffeisen International • • Roche • Samsung • Sappi • Saubermacher • Schwarzmüller • Siemens • Silicon Alps Cluster • Steiermärkische Sparkasse • SSI Schäfer • Strabag • Texas Instruments • Treibach Industrie • Universal Music Group • Verbund AG • Vienna International Airport • VOEST Alpine • Wild GmbH • Wüstenrot
Your partner for advancing your professional education.