After studying CLU’s MBA program via IBSA in Austria I am able to fully leverage the acquired knowledge and managerial skills in my professional and personal life. Although challenging, the program at IBSA was flexible by combining face-to-face sessions with virtual class room courses and therefor enabled me to complete the program in parallel to my comprehensive job obligations. Leadership and trust of the CLU faculty provide mutual respect and foster motivation to think, share and be creative.

Dubravko Dobra, BA, MBA, Senior Coordinator at PBZ Card

Who are the most sought after leaders and managers today? I strongly believe that they are the highly motivated, international educated self-starters. It appears to me that studying in, and graduating from MBA degree from a US university in just 15 months as a busy working professional is a good testimony of all these qualities. Cal Lutheran’s MBA program, delivered in partnership with IBSA was the perfect program, and I am convinced that this highly interesting and intensive program provides the best base for future career steps. Even while studying in the program, multiple opportunities for career changes opened up for me, and – ultimately – I seized one of them.


Mag. Alexandra Purkarthofer, MBA, Geschäftsführerin, Materials Center Leoben Forschung GmbH.

With my technical background and after having been in various management positions over the past years I eventually decided to do an MBA. I have chosen the MBA program of CLU in co-operation with IBSA because of the perfect fit with the daily business. The mix of weekend courses, online sessions and time in California is very balanced and this program is maybe one of the few programs where business, family and further education can be easily handled, even if you are not from Graz.  I also enjoyed the high quality of the instructors and the fact that nearly all of them came from the US.


Erwin Smole, MSc, MBA, Associate Director PricewaterhouseCoopers Austria and Managing Director Smole Energy Consulting

The knowledge and experience of the instructors at CLU/IBSA and their ability to connect the theoretical content with real-life examples was definitely impressive and helped my fellow students and myself to find relevant connections to our daily businesses easily. The mixture of participants from different industries and cultures and their practical inputs as well as our interesting discussions supported gaining not only additional professional but also interpersonal skills. Apart from that, I found the structure of the program with the mixture of online- and weekend-sessions and the fact that a lot of teamwork was required in order to fulfill the targets very practical and useful. Last but not least I am convinced that completing the MBA-program at CLU/IBSA helped me to find a new professional challenge recently.

Christian Messner, MBA, Assistant to the CEO, R&S Software GmbH

After working more than ten years in different positions, I really aspired to refresh and deepen my business knowledge with a comprehensive and international program. Having the opportunity to study at an US university in a blended learning format in Austria really looked promising to me and totally met my expectations. Learning from professors with academic excellence and a track record in business, who really care about you as a student, is one of the real benefits of this program. Eventually not only the program itself, but in particular the mix of students with different backgrounds from different countries was very inspirational for me.

Mag. Reinhard Franz, MBA, Head of Product Management, willhaben internet service

For me the MBA program at CLU in Austria provided much more than just an additional educational record in my CV. The program enabled me to further develop my professional and especially my personal skills. I really enjoyed the fact that people from different educational and professional background work together and learn from each other. Especially the professors are remarkable personalities from whom I learned much more than only the covered topics in the syllabus.

Anita Krenn, BA, MBA, Stv. Filialleiterin Steiermärkische Sparkasse

I discovered Cal Lutheran’s MBA program as I wanted to prepare myself for the next step in my career. As someone with a technical background, the extremely relevant, high quality courses in that MBA program were perfect in helping me to transition into management. The combination of weekend compressed and online courses proved to be a perfect fit with my busy career, and the study trip to California simply has been an unforgettable experience that I will remember forever. I now feel fully prepared to take my career to the global level.

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Patrick Gogeissl, MBA, Technical Assistant to General Manager, Magna Cosma International

Education is surly one of the most important investments people have to make. Studying International Development at the University of Vienna gave me a good understanding of trade, economic theories and business development around the world. However I strongly believe that an entrepreneurial mindset and applied business skills are critical and fundamental success factors for an international career in those days. CLU’s MBA program gave me the perfect tools for working in an international environment, in an organization which I was part of from its start up. The flexible schedule enabled me to pursue a degree from an American University and experience this great multi-cultural environment.

Mag. Ursula Bittner, MBA, Manager Danube Soya, Vienna

Intensifying and expanding my knowledge and experience with an international business education was my primary intention and incentive for CLU’s MBA program at IBSA. Moreover the possibility and opportunity to learn from internationally experienced professors and students and to exchange strategies, business ideas or just life experience with them were my very concrete expectations for this program. Eventually the 16 months at IBSA and CLU have exceeded all my expectations and have provided me with essential skills and new perspectives for my daily business as an entrepreneur. Additionally the highly valuable business network to professors and students at CLU has resulted in a continuous benefit for my business and private life. This program is the perfect decision for everyone who wants to elevate his own business career to the next level.

Dipl. Ing. (FH) Michael Sattler, MSc, MBA, Managing Director DESEO IT Services

“Als Führungskraft mit technischer Ausbildung in einem international tätigen Unternehmen ist dieses MBA Programm eine ideale Vorbereitung für den Schritt in Richtung Management. Die Kombination eines in Englisch geführten Studiums mit den sehr fortschrittlichen Arbeits- und Denkweisen einer amerikanischen Universität war für mich ausschlaggebend bei der Entscheidung für diese Ausbildung. Der Praxisbezug des Studiums wird durch systematische Vertiefung des erworbenen Wissens in Analysen und Fallbeispielen aus dem persönlichen Arbeitsumfeld hergestellt. Durch das ausgewogene Verhältnis von Präsenz- und Onlinemodulen und die Unterstützung des professionell agierenden Professorenteams ist die erfolgreiche Durchführung des berufsbegleitenden Programmes möglich. Persönlich bin ich überzeugt, dass ich mit dem Abschluss dieses internationalen Studiums für nächste Karriereschritte optimal vorbereitet bin.”

DI(FH) Thomas Funcke-Lehner, KEBA AG